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Shutdown King, bully, Mullah and anti America Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah.

Shutdown King, grandstander, bully, Mullah and anti public parks Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah.

Top 10 ‘greatest’ things about the death of the Land & Water Conservation Act October 01, 2015

10.  Will jumpstart Mars colonization efforts

9. Increases the availability of 50-cent brownies nationwide as conservation non-profits start hosting bake sales.

8. Gives Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) a happy tingly feeling.  LINK

7. Three words:  Venture Inside Zone.

6. Creates needed opportunities for struggling “Big 5” oil companies, which made only $90 million in profits last year, and could still only come up with $125 million for CEO salaries.

5. Stimulates the slowing eradication of open space, which is stagnating at just 6,000 acres lost per day.

4. Superfund Cleanup is much easier to pronounce.

3. Concrete proof that “liking” Facebook stories about the political might of the Outdoor Industry is really all you need to do.

2.  Sends a nice, clear message to our children that we really don’t give a damn about their future … or anything further away than next November.

1.  Heady Topper.  Yeah – it wouldn’t be a top 10 list without it.  And it sounds good right about now, doesn’t it?

Backstory:  As you now know, on September 30, 2015, for the first time in 50 years, the United States Congress let lapse the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the largest and most successful federal funding mechanism for national and local conservation efforts.  Paid for by a tiny percentage of federal leases paid by offshore oil and gas drilling operations, the LWCF has quietly and painlessly funded $16.8 billion of postcard-worthy success stories over the last half century, including Grand Canyon National Park, the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, the White Mountain National Forest, and Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, the nation’s first federal refuge.

Behind it all a clod of a human-like man that makes a living hating the hand that grossly overfeeds him with our tax dollars, Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT)


NOTE: Featured Image of Everglades National Park tarpon by Capt. Dave Hunt.


Author Skip

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