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Northern snakeheads have been found from Florida to Maryland and there are many species, In Florida it's against the law not to kill a caught snakehead.

Northern snakeheads have been found from Florida to Maryland and there are many other species of snakeheads. In Florida, a caught and then released snakehead will earn you a fine.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]onight at 9pm EST, the Travel Channel’s Andrew Zimmern travels to our nation’s capital to learn about and dine on the northern snakehead, an invasive fish introduced to many of the United States’ waterways. This now prolific and infamous fish has been rumored to traverse small distances of dry land in search of new water.

Stay tuned to Fly Life Magazine for future articles and information regarding the snakehead fishery.

A couple of our other favorite snakehead stories can be found  at these links:

1st article by our friend Nick Paumgarten at the New Yorker.  Nick addresses the snakehead’s rumored ability to “walk”.

Another great article by our now snakehead obsessed friend Nick.


Richard Farino

Author Richard Farino

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