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A statement from BTT president, Jim McDuffie:

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]lorida legislative leaders have inspired new hope for Everglades restoration with the introduction of Senate and House bills to expedite the acquisition of 60,000 acres of land in the EAA south of Lake Okeechobee for a reservoir to store, clean and convey water to the Everglades and Florida Bay. Bonefish & Tarpon Trust applauds Senator Rob Bradley and Senate President Joe Negron for their leadership in advancing Senate Bill 10, and Representative Thad Altman for introducing the companion House Bill 761.

Photo by BTT.

Photo by BTT.

This important legislation holds the greatest promise yet for restoring a natural flow of water to the Everglades and Florida Bay while also reducing damage to our estuaries and coastal communities from Lake Okeechobee discharges. These actions are needed to protect Florida’s recreational fishery and the multi-billion-dollar industry it supports. Simply put, SB10 and HB 761 are good for nature and people. Bonefish & Tarpon Trust fully supports them and encourages our anglers and all who care about our fisheries to add their voice to the cause.

To express your support of SB 10 and HB 761 to your state representatives, please visit and make your voice heard.

BTT Mission: To conserve and restore bonefish, tarpon and permit fisheries and habitats through research, stewardship, education and advocacy. Through science-based approaches, BTT is working to protect and enhance healthy, functioning flats fisheries and habitats in the Western Hemisphere, and restore those in decline. This work is being done in collaboration with other institutions and governments. 



Author Andrew

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