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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Phil Rowley leech pattern he calls Balanced Leech-CBO can be tied on a tube, and it will fish the same way intended for hook tied. I tie them both ways – doing all 14s hook tied.

The Daiichi hook, 4640 is only available in 10, 12, 14 and 16. There is not enough size distinction to tie a 12 or 16  along with 10s and 14s. My 10s (very few 14s) are hook and tube tied, about 50/50, and look different enough in shape to be considered two different flies. I’m not sure why the fish don’t care?

The Balanced Leech-CBO performs as advertised, good in cloudy water, and a good “bumper fly” – fished along the bottom or jigged. This is a motion required retrieve fly, erratically ambulated – including moderately moving water. It does not fish well in fast moving water. It’s “Home Court” advantage is definitely stillwater, quiet riverine waters, and I’ll bet the farm on saltwater coastal marshes.

Oh, and it’s super easy to tie

A dubbing substitute does not offend the bass, smallish carp (one-unintended) or Delayed Harvest Trout it has thus far seduced. It’s been in service and succeeded in stillwater and riverine environments. The CBO will certainly work its same magic in saltwater shallows and coastal salt marshes – think redfish, they love leeches.


Hook: Daiichi 4640 – sizes available 10, 12, 14 and 16 – the hook shape is quite relevant – only on hook tied. It’s not easy to find – think online.

Thread: Black – Your choice

Marabou: Black (good quality important)

Flashabou: 2/3 strands

Dubbing called for: Arizona Simi-Seal Canadian Black – a substitute mix of dark or black works fine

Bead: Tungsten 1/8-inch “hot” orange (the pin is a sequin pin – Walmart, General Dollar, Joann’s, or a sewing kit lying around). The bead is the big deal of this fly – more than the hook shape/size and quality of the marabou

[youtube id=”U0ZUVHh2Qxc” width=”620″ height=”360″]



Author Skip

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