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Barry Fellman has been photographing the realm of marine life around South Florida’s mangroves for over 20 years. His photos of the Biscayne Bay coastline share his thrill of investigation through the element of surprise and the excitement of discovery.

Mangrove forests are among the most threatened coastal habitats worldwide, decreasing an estimated 35% globally over the past 50 years, with continuing annual declines of 2%.

Some estimates show that Florida has already lost 50% of its mangroves

Ongoing and planned coastal development in Belize, Mexico, The Bahamas, and other locations in the Caribbean pose serious threats to mangroves. All this habitat loss and destruction has direct negative effects on our fisheries. Juvenile tarpon, for example, depends on mangroves as nursery habitats.

If we lose the nurseries, we lose our tarpon fishery.

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust / August 2017

The Dante Fascell  Gallery / Barry Fellman’s Mangrove Coast Through October 15, 2017 / Homestead, Florida

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]rtists have always played a crucial role in increasing awareness and inspiring stewardship of national parks. In 2002, the Dante Fascell Visitor Center Gallery opened – providing a space where contemporary artists, inspired by the beauty of Biscayne National Park and South Florida can show their work. Past shows have included color and black and white photography, oil, acrylic, pastel and watercolor paintings, drawings, fiber, ceramics, collage, and sculpture. Shows typically include a “meet the artist” reception, made possible by sponsors. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For more information, please call 305-230-1144. Subscribe to gallery updates with the words “ART LIST” in the subject line.

Award-winning South Florida photographer Barry Fellman is the latest artist featured in Biscayne National Park’s Dante Fascell Visitor Center Gallery. The exhibit, titled Mangrove Coast, features large-format photographs that explore the unexpected beauty, rhythms, and patterns of South Florida’s spectacular mangrove habitats. It is open from 9 – 5 daily.

Barry Fellman’s Mangrove Coast photographs explore the realm of marine and shore life around South Florida’s mangroves. His images of the Biscayne Bay coastline share his thrill and curiosity about the place through the element of surprise and the excitement of discovery.

The mangroves are where you’ll find baby tarpon, ambush ready snook and the entire seedbed of game fish found in coastal waters throughout the world. Image by provided courtesy of BTT.

Fellman’s photos seduce you, inviting you closer to understand them. As you approach, basic notions of scale and distance remain a mystery until your nose is nearly pressed against the surface. Then the images clarify into familiar forms of sea grasses, shells and shallow tide pools. You realize you are looking at wondrous and fantastic views of the shoreline by the beach.

“The elements that make up this zone between sea and land are rich and diverse, said Fellman. “They are constantly changing and are a continuing source of inspiration. They challenge me to reinvent the way I see, much as they reinvent the way they assemble themselves after each change in tide.”

NOTE: Featured Image is a poster that is available at Biscayne National Park’s visitor center along with other images of Barry Fellman’s Mangrove Coast Series.

The Importance of mangroves throughout the world [Read more]

National Park Service
Biscayne National Park
9700 SW 328th Street
Sir Lancelot Jones Way
Homestead, FL 33033
Phone: (305) 230-1144

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