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The Kvichak River and Bristol Bay

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Royal Coachman Lodge and Copper River Lodge, both in the path of destruction from the greediest of people behind the Pebble Mine mis-adventure in Alaska’s Bristol Bay area, along with Sweetwater Travel raised and donated over $27,000 this year.  When you consider this will be matched by  the “Trout Unlimited Alaska Sportsman’s Match”, this means we will have raised over $54,000 in 2012 to help insure that the Pebble Mine does not get built in the headwaters of the world’s healthiest, and most robust, salmon run in the world.  To all of you who have made a donation, THANK YOU.

There is still time to make a donation before the end of the year.  The Trout Unlimited Sportsman’s match expired December 31. They matched up to $200,000!  As of right now, TU  was short of it’s goal. If you are considering an end of the year donation to help fight the Pebble Mine, please visit

Like you, we have always cared about the rivers we fish.  We fortunate to be able to visit such wonderful waters each year, and we feel a profound responsibility to insure that those waters are there for our children, your children, and the future generations of fishermen to follow.

NOTE: See Fly Life Magazine’s Feature Article on Pebble Mine

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