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Zach Matthews shows how he sets up his fly reel and line up from scratch

Zach Matthews, The Itinerant Angler, explains how-to do what you’ve been letting “others” do forever, and you shouldn’t have.

He begins with the universal arbor knot on the reel and goes all the way to the leader. His knots are not necessarily the only knots everyone choices to use, but they are arguably excellent for a trout set up.

A saltwater set-up, reel to the leader, would incorporate a few different knots. The Bimini Twist is a principal in that difference as is an Albright tippett to wire bite guard.

NOTE: Featured Image is Zach Matthews with a nice Georgia striper. Photo credit Zach Matthews.

NOTE 2: Stay tuned at end of this video for more.

[youtube id=”MFm9mbd2e6s” width=”620″ height=”360″]



Author Skip

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