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[dropcap]R[/dropcap]egrettably, I told my fishing club buddies, I cannot go on the Bahamas trip this year because of a planned inpatient surgery the week of the Andros Island bonefish excursion. I followed with, I can throw in a few dozen flies for you-all to test drive, for which I got all-round thumbs up. Who does not like free?

We have covered some go-to flies in the bonefish class that travel well, namely: Ultra Shrimp (Bob Popovics –  New Jersey), Lefty’s Craft Fur Shrimp (Lefty Kreh –  Maryland), Pomp-adore Shrimp (Drew Chicone), Borski Slider (Tim Borski – Florida Keys), Duane Baker’s Crab Fly (Capt. Duane Baker – Florida Keys), Bob Ververka’s Mantis Shrimp, and Crazy Charlie Fly (Charles Smith, Bahamas).

They are all easy to tie except Chicone’s Pomp-adore Shrimp – takes a little more time and patience than I possess. We wanted to feature something simple and effective for the Georgia boys heading to the Bahamas. We decided on the Squimp, a selection that comes from INTHERIFFLE – Here it is on a YouTube video.

Squimp Recipe (lots of substitutes work for this easy to tie shrimp mimic):

Hook: #04-08 Tiemco 811S or Tiemco 800S
Thread: Tan UNI 6/0
Eyes: Medium or Large Lead Eyes or Hareline Double Pupil Eyes
Tail: Tan Pseudo Hair or Craft Fur
Legs: Tan Loco Legs
Body: Tan Scud Dub or Tan Antron Dubbing
Collar: Tan Pseudo Hair or Craft Fur
Flash: Pearl Krystal Flash

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NOTE: Featured Image by /  Rebecca Redd, Abaco, Bahamas.

[youtube id=”JrdYJNpDuXI” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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