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Tim Flager [L]

Tips and tactics for fly tyers

By Skip Clement

At a local gathering of our fly-tying group, we watched a video featuring Brian Flesheg and Tim Flagler. Respectively, from Mad River Outfitters, the video host, and Tightline Productions.

Worldwide, almost anyone who ties flies recognizes Tim. His hacks are incredible gifts to anyone who wants to jump from beginner to competent. You can watch his four-tube introductions on Orvis’ One Minute tying tips.

The differences are advantages

This video addresses tying and is pertinent to hook-tied and tube-tied flies. There is no tying difference. It is not harder to tie tube flies than hook-tied flies.

Of particular note in this video, referenced below, is Flagler’s solving ‘corkscrewing’ retrieves of hackle and herl-wrapped flies and exposing the hidden values of ‘cording’ and ‘un-cording’ tying thread.

coastal cutthroat trout fresh from the ocean. A Thom Glace illustration.

Cording, uncording, and more

Our tying group thought the best ‘Hacks’ were cording and uncording the tying thread, tying under the material to avoid thread slipping, using the back pressure of the thread to ensure anything ‘wrapped’ against is perfectly spaced, and back-wrapping to the starting position to lock in what was palmered.

The video caliber is outstanding, which is why Tim Flagler has so many followers. Watch and enjoy . . . .



Author Skip

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