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[dropcap]M[/dropcap]oving to a new place after storing your “stuff” for over two years is a little like going on an archeological dig. You discover things you thought lost forever, and things get lost you’re sure would have been packed away safely… like a Tibor reel, for example. Hmm?

One item found, unexpectedly, was a notebook with interviews. One interview was with none other than Lefty Kreh. The occasion of interaction, a day long Steve Kantner Presents seminar held 11 years ago in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The star-studded cast also included Andy Mill and Diana Rudolph.

The Lefty interview was to run in a fish-wrapper publication Steve and I wrote for – Dominion Enterprises’ Boat Trader. The other interviews (Rudolph and Mill) were to be published in a magazine, this one, that was scheduled to launch in 2006.

Lefty making a perfect cast. From Fly Fishing the Everglades with Lefty Kreh and Captain Bill Blanton. Image by Dan Blanton.

Here is some of that interview with “take it to the bank” advice shared by the father of modern day fly fishing, Lefty Kreh

I asked: Lefty, a lot of our readers struggle with flies to pack when they are not fishing their home salt waters or traveling, for example, to Belize. Is there a short list of failsafe flies you’d recommend?

“Yes, you need only a few basic patterns in different sizes and color combinations to fish effectively anywhere in saltwater” He added, “The effectiveness of any fly is how it is presented and how it is swum.”

Here’s Lefty Basic Saltwater Fly Selection List:

Popper Bugs, Clouser Minnows, Lefty’s Deceivers, Half & Half, Surf Candies, crab patterns, and Bendbacks.

“The only exceptions would be bonefish flies. Bonefish will eat a huge number of flies. But if you carry these from six to 2/0 you will be well armed.”

Gotcha, crab, Snapping Shrimp, Bendback, Clouser Minnow (we add worms).

Lefty added: “One Clouser should be dressed with white under wing and upper wing of Chartreuse and another with an upper wing of pale tan. There should be a little pearl flash in the middle of either Clouser.”

NOTE: Featured Image of Lefty Kreh at Bonefish & Tarpon Symposium. Clement image.



Author Skip

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