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Getting organized, finally

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]y fishing problem won’t soon go away, and I’m not seeking help with regard to it, but it is annoying to be disorganized on top of that. Living in an apartment of diminutive footage doesn’t make matters better. My fly fishing gear, lots of it acquired over the years, is scattered about in two closets, a dresser drawer, under a sofa, on a chair, in book shelves and the dining table was long-ago hijacked by my fly tying equipment. So, what to do about this mess? How about getting lucky.

Reently I was researching online and stumbled upon Mark Hanni’s Mountain Creek Anglers. And voila, there it was – a wall mounted storage cabinet made to hold rods, reels, and other fishing accoutrements of my fly fishing obsession. The dinning table, however, would have to remain in MIA status.

Here’s the skinny:


Mark told me that he got into building his wall mounted Kinniconick Creek Cabinet, Paint Creek Fly-Tying Table and East Fork Fly-Tying Desk via his father-in-law who is a craftsman. Although Mark makes his living in the trades he said: “Before I met my wife, I didn’t even own a hammer, but that all changed when I wanted to remodel our 1920’s vintage home. My father-in-law came to my rescue and showed my how to use tools and how to do everything necessary to plan, reconstruct and finish a house.”

Later, Mark wanted to reorganize his fly fishing rods, reels and tying materials, but the market for pre-built cabinets and tying desks were mostly small, portable tying desks or really expensive rod and reel cabinets. Mark said: “The cabinets were beautifully built but out of my reach dollar wise.”

So he set about building a rod, reel and accessories cabinet to meet his needs. He soon realized he liked wood-working and had a latent talent for it. Soon friends were asking for a cabinet with options, then tying desks and then calls from his friends-friends, then a website and now a pretty steady flow of business. Today, Mark makes a myriad of useful, practical and relatively inexpensive wood products – from tables to chairs to coat racks to fly tying caddies and more. Check-out his website (see below).

Kinniconick Creek Cabinet:

This Rod & Reel Cabinet is a wall-mounted storage unit for your rods, reels, and other fishing items. In addition to being practical, the rustic, but clean, look will be a welcome addition to the décor of your “fishing room!”

The Kinniconick Creek Cabinet Specs

It is made of pine and can be stained in any of our available wood stains.  Three coats of spray polyurethane have been added to the surface.

The Cabinet measures 27-inches high x 17-inches across, with a depth of 8 ¼-inches.

There are eight slots available for rods.  The top four have been cut with a 2 ½-inches diameter to allow room for most rod tubes.  The bottom four have been cut with a 1 ½-inches diameter for rods – the photo shows how two rods have been broken down and placed into the Cabinet.

Three open shelves have been placed in the bottom part of the Cabinet.  The bottom shelf measures 14-inches wide x 3-inches high (behind the 2 ½-inches opening).  The middle shelf measures 14-inches wide x 4-inches high (behind the 3 ½-inches opening).  The top shelf is 14-inches wide x 5-inches high (behind the 4 ½-inches opening).  All shelves have a 3 ¾-inches depth.

d2ae79_9dbe2683d5b4064a7c67bf2ff7271aa7.jpg_srz_p_289_407_75_22_0.50_1.20_0The top cabinet space is 14-inches wide x 9-inches high.  A paneled door has been added for this top space.  It is kept shut by a magnet placed in the middle of the shelf.  On the outside of the door, a hand-painted Brown Trout has been added.  You can choose the fish you want on your Cabinet,  Choose from any of our available Fish Patterns.

The Cabinet is a wall-mounted unit.  Photo shows the Keyhole cuts in the back of the unit, which allow you to mount the unit on 16-inches stud widths.  We have included two wood screws to use, or you can use any other 3/8-inches-head screw you need for your situation (Photo 4 below, with tape measure).

All connections have been made with wood screws and have been covered with wood plugs.

You can also have your cabinet custom built with differently sized slots. For instance, I have done cabinets with 4-inches, 3-inches, 2 3/4-inches, etc. slots.  If you would like this option or other options, email Mark. See information below.

If you like functional, woody things for your “fishing room” and low cost to own, then Mountain Creek Anglers’ cabinets and tying tables might be what you need

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Address: 508 16th St.
Ashland, KY  41101
Phone: (606) 923-7488
Phone: 606) 923-7488
Fax:  (606) 325-0670
Website: Click here […]

Standard pricing: $224.95

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Author Skip

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