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BKALogoHoriz[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast year seventy five contestants competed at the second annual Hardy Cup Cane Rod Casting Championship. Over the two day contest aficionados and enthusiasts gathered to cheer on their favorite caster and/or their favorite rod. Many custom rods were designed and built specifically for the contest which includes both distance and accuracy casting in a three-cast format.

Each year the contest is held at the Castskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum on the first weekend of August. The event includes workshops, instruction and a marketplace for traditional equipment enthusiasts. On the Saturday night there is a traditional pig roast and buffet that passes well into the night with lively discussions of all aspects of cane rod casting and fishing with cane. From Saturday, August 3rd through Sunday, August 4th Hardy USA and The Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum (CFFCM) will be holding the Third Annual Hardy Cup Cane Rod Casting Championship, during the Summerfest and Anglers Market at the CFFCM.

This annual casting event will be open to all individuals and the only requirement is to use a bamboo fly rod 9′ in length or smaller. This casting contest will be based on two distance casts and one accuracy cast. Handicaps will be applicable to rods under 8′ in length and a tie breaker will be determined by the age of the rod.

This contest was first held in 2011 by Hardy USA and CFFCM to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the introduction of the Hardy C.C. de France Fly Rod by Hardy Bros. Ltd.

The over all point champion will receive a Hardy Bamboo Fly Rod, and have their name engraved on the Tiffany designed Hardy Brothers Cup which remains on display in the Catskill Fly Fishing Museum. The prize for second place is a Hardy Perfect Fly Reel, and the third place winner will take home a Hardy St. George Fly Reel.

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