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Eagle, Lang lakes’ boat ramps reopened in Hamilton County

Largemouth bass FWC photo

Staff note:

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]hese lakes’ ramps have been closed since around the tine of Hurricane Debby last June. The lakes are deep, with steep slopes, islands and plenty of forage so there’s always action for a fly rodder. If you live in Jacksonville, you’re only looking at an hour and a half ride to the middle of nowhere. If you can camp out for few days – all the better. Too, if you have a little history buff in your blood, remember you’re in Suwannee  country.

By Joyce Marie Taylor
Suwannee Democrat, Jasper, Florida
Access to three Hamilton County boat ramps at Eagle Lake and the road leading to the ramp at Lang Lake have reopened, according to a Novemebr 2, 2012 press release from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

 PCS Phosphate White Springs had closed access to the ramps on May 1 to begin rebuilding the culvert at Eagle Lake. Delays caused by Tropical Storm Debby extended the closure.

“I’m happy to report that access to the ramps at Eagle and Lang lakes has been restored,” said Brian Hilton, a freshwater fish biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

 FWC’s website states both of these lakes are Fish Management Areas and a license is required to fish there. Both are green and fertile and deeper than average north Florida lakes, but typically grow more fish per acre due to abundant forage.

 Eagle Lake comprises 200 acres and has steep sides, a maze of narrow cuts with points, sand bars and cattails in the coves that characterize the lake. Inhabiting Eagle Lake are largemouth bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, brown bullhead catfish, black crappie and sunshine bass. [Read More]

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