[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he West End Airport (MYGW) is a private airport which reopened for use on June 1, 2014. The airport opens Old Bahama Bay Resort & Yacht Harbour and the idyllic destination of West End, Grand Bahama Island to private pilots and charter operators. Just 55 miles from Palm Beach, Florida and with 6,000 feet of paved runway, the West End Airport is a pilot’s dream.
The airport is a daytime only, VFR only, operation. No instrument approaches are available and no night landings/takeoffs are permitted. The airport is open 7 days a week from 8 am to 5 pm. The ICAO code is MYGW and the IATA code is WTD.
The reopened airport provides an attractive new way to visit Old Bahama Bay Resort & Yacht Harbour. It appeals to the private pilot market and a discerning traveler who values the ease and convenience of private air travel.
Private pilots can take advantage of a special package from Old Bahama Bay: Book a 4-night stay or longer at Old Bahama Bay Resort and receive a $300 credit. Book by August 31st, 2014 for travel by December 20th, 2014. Click Here for Details . . .
Only aircraft which have been West End, Bahamas by West End Airport Management and Bahamas ATC may land. This requires that the registration number of the aircraft be submitted and approved.
To obtain approval, please contact Ashley Smith, Airport Manager, at AshleyJamesSmith1940@gmail.com or call (242-727-1335).
For reservations or more information, call 1(888) 983-6188 or email sales@oldbahamabay.com and visit website . . .