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No need to vote in Florida

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n Florida, an amendment was passed that had everything to do with restoring the Everglades. It was titled Amendment 1. It had no taxation attached to it, just that the allocation of established user fees go to buy throughway lands to restart the long overdue flow of Lake Okeechobee water south, not west and east. The amendment scored a whopping 75% approval rate.

Guess what, the politicians said ‘up yours’

Saying publically: ”We are spending the money on much needed janitorial supplies, friends raises, and some other stuff you don’t need to know about – not what it was earmarked for. We know best.”

Get on the ground and put your hands behind your back, NOW!

If you are west of the Mississippi, you are probably feeling “unharmed and safe” from the aforementioned abrogation of Democratic values, but take note. These creeps are running for office out your way, and your crooks want “public lands” turned over to the states, then sold to private interests because of states’ financial obligations will not be met. The states cannot possibly maintain those once public lands.

And what is this ‘fake’ states rights issue have in store for you? Try this: YOU CANNOT FISH IN THIS RIVER, HUNT IN THESE MOUNTAINS AND YOU WILLFULLY VIOLATED TRESPASS SIGNS SO YOU AND YOUR KIDS ARE UNDER ARREST AND GOING TO JAIL. Now, how do you like ‘them Bundy’ wants?

Read what this ground-swell of good citizenship can do . . .

Toxic algae bloom in the Caloosahatchee River — the 75-mile-long Caloosahatchee flows west from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf of Mexico. This toxic brew kills every living organiasm in its path and far out into the Gulf of Mexico. Flowing east from Lake Okeechobee, the same toxic stew courses through the St. Lucie River - destroying life far out into the Atlantic Ocean. If you have a cut on your hand and immerse it in this chemical soup there is a good chance you will get an infection so viral that it can kill you. The fumes from these ‘blooms’ are life threatening to wildlife, pets and humans - anything with respiratory issues.

CLICK ON IMAGE to help – it’s painless. Toxic algae bloom in the Caloosahatchee River — the 75-mile-long Caloosahatchee flows west from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf of Mexico. This toxic brew kills every living organism in its path and far out into the Gulf of Mexico. Flowing east from Lake Okeechobee, the same toxic stew courses through the St. Lucie River – destroying life far out into the Atlantic Ocean. If you have a cut on your hand and immerse it in this chemical soup there is a good chance you will get an infection so viral that it can kill you. The fumes from these ‘blooms’ are life threatening to wildlife, pets, and humans – anything with respiratory issues. Image source: malformalady-tumblr.

Now or Neverglades Declaration



Author Skip

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