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The 6th Annual LowCountry Fly Fishing Expo

I’ll bet you’ve never heard of Buy One Day Almost Near Free and Get Three Days Free. Yup, you can squeeze three days into one for fifty bucks… and a free gourmet lunch, too!

[dropcap]P[/dropcap]robably the best coastal fly shop in the Southeast, Bay Street Outfitters, holds its 6th annual fly fishers right to cast better ritual. It’s held in a pocket of sheer lovely called Okatie (OH-Kuh-tee), South Carolina at the Oldfield Club. This year on Saturday, April 9th.  

The property, a former rice plantation converted into living domiciles for the well-heeled horse, sporting clays, golf and tennis enthusiasts. It sits on the Okatee River and provides a perfect venue for an outdoor day of getting better at fly angling – acres of mowed fields, a large gazebo, a tent and a first-class dock on a finger bay of the famous river.

Capt. Tuck Scott opened the expo last year with a hilarious hour and a half fly fishing ‘mini-series’, no-holds barred comments, but good natured. Mishaps by the dozen unfolded when Tuck took to the platform and ran Leroy (L) and Otis through the paces of fly fishing the flats from a skiff. Fly Life photo



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