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[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith an invitation to “Come on Over, Neighbor” fly tiers from throughout Canada will join dozens from the United States and Europe at the 24th annual International Fly Tying Symposium, Nov. 22-23 at the Garden State Exhibit Center, 50 Atrium Dr.

Admission is $15 on Sat., $12 on Sun. and $20 for both days.  Symposium hours are 9-5 on Sat.; 9-4:30 on Sun.  Parking is free.

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The pre-Thanksgiving International Fly Tying Symposium will feature the second Super Fly Competition, with prizes awarded in five open categories plus a youth division.  Judging will be by show attendees joined by a team of professional fly tiers including Bob Clouser, Fishy Fullum, Dave Klausmeyer, Enrico Puglisi, Tom Baltz, Charlie Craven, Gary Borger, Ben Furimsky, Theo Bakelaar, Marc Petitjean, John Shaner, Sharon Wright, Bob Mead and Bob Popovics.

Participation in the Super Fly Competition is free.

In keeping with the theme of individual hand-crafted fly-fishing products, there will be a full exhibit of bamboo rods.  An indoor casting pond will allow visitors to try out their dream rods.

A new International Fly Tying Symposium event will be a casting competition featuring bamboo and fiberglass rods.  The competition will include both distance and accuracy.  Judges are Michael Mauri, rod manufacturer and Spey casting champion; Cameron Mortenson, Fiberglass Manifesto; and Shaner, vice president, Douglas Outdoors.  Casting competition prizes include rods, reels and assorted tackle.

“There will be more than 100 of the world’s best and most creative fly tiers plus exhibitors demonstrating and selling every material, hook, book, vise and video known to mankind.  Shops will be on hand with everything and anything related to fly-tying,” said show producer Chuck Furimsky.

Hackle growers scheduled to be at the Symposium include Collins and Keough.

The Symposium’s designated hotel is the Doubletree, 2000 Atrium Dr., Somerset, NJ, with a reduced rate of $97.  To receive the lower price, call 732-469-2600 and request accommodations in the International Fly Tying Symposium block.  “The special rate includes a full breakfast and must be made by Nov. 1,” said Furimsky.

For International Fly Tying Symposium information call (814) 443-3638; e-mail

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