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Ruben Martin, reconocido atador de moscas a nivel mundial, instructor de casteo y conservacionista con el guía Facundo Pomponio, sosteniendo una hermosa trucha marron capturada usando una mosca tubo atada esa misma mañana. Foto de Martin.

Ruben Martin shares tying a simple tube fly nymph 

By Skip Clement

Depending on insect order, aquatic insects undergo either incomplete or complete metamorphosis. Among aquatic insects sharing incomplete metamorphosis are mayflies, damselflies, dragonflies, stoneflies, and waterbugs. Among aquatic insects sharing complete metamorphosis are alderflies, dobsonflies, beetles, moths, caddisflies, and true flies.

Life Cycles

The life cycles of aquatic insects vary, and flies can be tied to mimic different stages. Using various methods such as tube flies, hook-tied flies, or molded plastic flies.The latter of which is often used by light tackle spin fishers.

Fly fishing the nymph stage properly is crucial for success, emphasizing how well one can imitate the movement of the nymph. A well-tied tube version of a nymph is more likely to yield better results than the plastic or hook-tied versions, especially for larger flies. However, when the fly becomes very small [ #18 and smaller], the advantage of using tube flies diminishes.

Tube fly advantages

Tube flies offer the added benefit of not being discarded when the hook is damaged. Hooks can be conveniently stored in their original packaging when utilizing tube flies. Whether using hook-tied or tube-tied flies, the quality of the rod, reel, line, leader choices, and casting techniques all play a significant role in fishing success.

The skill of ‘fishing’ is rarely mentioned

Ultimately, mastering the art of swimming the fly and setting the hook is essential for a successful catch across all species of fish, whether in freshwater or saltwater.

“This tube nymph model takes its name from the simplicity of its tying. It is a nymph that can imitate a variety of aquatic insects such as mayflies, stoneflies, beetles, and some more. With a marked “jigging” effect when swimming, it becomes an excellent option for fishing stillwaters or lakes. Also due to its ability to deepen quickly, it is ideal for fishing in large rivers or courses with strong currents.

Classic tube 1.8 mm Hook retail Pro Bube, adapted UTC 70 Torax peacock strand Hackle thread of black rooster feather with short, soft fibers. Monofilament tails, can be replaced with rubber legs. tungsten head.” — Ruben Martin


Author Skip

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