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Tying the Composite Loop Zonker

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e have no experience with this Composite Loop Zonker (CLZ) by Tim Flagler, but a Zonker anything seems never to be without a fish-on yelp. Too, Tim Flagler doesn’t tie just to show off his tying skills. He’s a serious angler.

The CLZ fly is warfare durable, easily diversified (color, size), tube tied friendly, and easy to tie. However, it can be a little time consuming unless the dubbing is prepared in advance for how ever many you will be tying. After a few, about three, tying goes remarkably fast because there are no tricky-tech steps.

About Tightlines Productions:

Tim Flagler’s Tightline Productions, L.L.C. is a video production company located in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Since 1997, they have produced video programs for broadcast, DVD, and the web, over a wide range of topics.


Tightlines Productions
Tim Flagler
Phone: 908-832-6677

[youtube id=”y_J3i_UQJi8″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

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