Large school of tarpon off the coast of the Cayman islands.
Adapting hook size and coloration of this ‘shrimp’ pattern makes it regionally crawfish-like without complicating the tying
By Skip Clement / Tied by Ruben Martin
These shrimps will attract attention and achieve ‘takes’ from salmons, sea trouts, snook, bonefish, tarpon, stripers, and freshwater brethren like trout that feed on available crawfish or Samastacus [shrimp/crustacean] as called in Argentina.
Locally, North Georgia and Southern North Carolina’s Appalachians, this Ruben Martin did not perform well until I downsized. Then, swum along the bottom with slight wrist strips only, the catches were good in undefinable benthics.
Adding a strong weed guard an essential ingredient when bouncing along a stream/river. Casting was never part of successes – more nymphing than anything else. Also, early morning or late in the day best for summertime.
- Hook: Ahrex NS156 shrimp #6
- Antennas: Monofilament stripped with orange and black indelible markers.
- Eyes: Match burn monofilament and painted orange/black pupil
- Beak: Orange arctic fox tail
- Shell: Orange and black paint
- Rib: Monofilament
- Body: Orange polar chenille