The Corps of Engineers has a motto: if it flows, dam it
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he White River Chinook Salmon is the last surviving spring-run salmon stock in South Puget Sound. They were saved from extinction in the 1980s. But when they get to the Buckley Dam, they impale themselves on the dam’s exposed rebar, and they fail to locate or find space in the dams’ outdated fish trap. Even if the fish make it into the overcrowded fish trap they’re often so tired and injured that their chances of surviving the ride to their spawning grounds are compromised. It’s time for the Corps to stop dragging their feet. Send a message today urging them to update the fish passage to help protect thousands of fish dying at the base of the dam.
Video by White Noise Productions/The Russell Family Foundation / American
Stop the Fish Kills at Washington’s Buckley Dam. To save this valuable fishery take action by clicking here […]
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