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By Doug Roland

[dropcap]W/dropcap]hat do you think separates the really good anglers from the rest of us. Lot of opinions, lots of bullshit. I don’t think its the extra 20 feet in the cast or the latest piece of gear now made from carbon fiber. Its in the attitude, or the lack there of. They don’t whine about the wind or the rain. Where so many of us will fill the air with bitching and moaning about cross-winds and rolling seas, some guys just embrace the obstacles. They don’t talk about it, they just stay focused. For them, the obstacles are just scenery. Its in the eyes and the forward leaning posture in spite of weather or tides running high or low. Fish gonna feed either way. There already wet, why the hell shouldn’t I be. They don’t need any extra help to feed a fish. Let the weather do its thing and they’ll do theirs and maybe somewhere in the middle we’ll all meet up.


LC Journal

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