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All photos by Colin Arisman, NYTimes: The World Through A Lens. Oliver Sutro, a fisherman, displays a Chinook salmon.

On the Water in Alaska, Where Salmon Fishing Dreams Live On


Each summer, salmon begin their journey back to the rivers where they were spawned. Alaskan fishermen, along with whales, eagles and bears, share in the abundance.


At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, with travel restrictions in place worldwide, we launched a new series — The World Through a Lens — in which photojournalists help transport you, virtually, to some of our planet’s most beautiful and intriguing places. This week, Colin Arisman shares a collection of images from the shores of Alaska.

My camera lens is pressed against the window of the small float-plane as it flies below a thick ceiling of clouds. The mist clings to the hillsides of a temperate rainforest that descend steeply to the rocky coastline of southeast Alaska.

The plane banks, and a tiny village comes into view. A scattering of houses are built on stilts on the water’s edge. We circle and I see fishing boats tied up next to a large dock and a floating post office. The pilot throttles down and the pontoons skim across the glassy water inside the bay. We taxi to the public dock and I step out in front of the Point Baker general store.

A floatplane on its weekly route between villages in southeast Alaska.

Life along the Alaska coast is economically and culturally dependent on fishing. Each summer, millions of salmon — after maturing in the ocean — begin their journey back to the rivers in which they were spawned. Fishermen, along with whales, eagles and bears, share in the abundance.

Read completed photojournal . . .

NOTE: To read the complete story and take in the beauty of the author’s photography, the NYTimes will request you sign-up for a limited number of ‘free’ stories [no $ involved]. The photography worth the BS.


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