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[dropcap]J[/dropcap]im Brooke, a friend with whom I spent one cold-arse fall fishing for coho’s in Alaska would have enjoyed the following Vimeo by Theronn King. It is titled Kenai 2016. It was shot on the upper Kenai River. Jim and I never fished the Kenai River’s upper reaches, but it sure looks familiar. Hmm, maybe we did?

Fall is not on muscle relaxors in Alaska

Fall arrives one day and yields to winter almost immediately. The riverine pescados know the window opening is small so they feed accordingly – aggressively.

The aside in this video charms with a classic Dave Brubeck piece. It alone worth the price of admission – if you are into jazz. If not, the fly fishing is a cool five-plus minute vid of unusual footage and great trout takes.

Theronn King’s website – worth a visit and more vids.

[vimeo id=”185260715″ width=”620″ height=”360″]





Author Skip

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