By Skip Clement
Operating Bristol Pebble Mine is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Like children playing with matches in an old barn, the scales are tipped towards disaster.
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[dropcap]R[/dropcap]arely has humanity seen such a blatant environmental extinction as planned out by Pebble Limited Partnership, a subsidiary of the Canadian firm Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd.
The current administration’s hand-picked extraction industry lapdog, EPA’s Scott Pruitt, is complicit and appears incapable of grasping what the potential extermination of the world’s most prolific run of salmon means to the United States.
The re-submission of permit documents by Northern Dynasty Minerals interests to the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers in December of 2017 makes clear (in legalese) that its adventures in the Bristol Bay Watershed cannot manage environmental outcomes, and that probably no technology could.
If approved, the first phase will do for Northern Dynasty Minerals interests what will amount to, “Go ahead, we do not care what you do to America.”
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You can say nothing, do nothing. However, if you’re unwilling to capitulate, turn your back on an environmental Armageddon… Click on Fact Sheet to learn more about how you can help Save Bristol Bay. All outdoors folks need apply.