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By Skip Clement / People, Fly Fishing, Conservation, Videos / April 11, 2019


1. We Must Protect the Clean Water Act Now, or We Risk Losing Thousands of Miles of Fishing Water

Guest Column by Chris Wood, President, and CEO of Trout Unlimited.

“Would you pick Larry Bird or Magic? Who is better Michael or LeBron? Would you take Russell Westbrook or Steph Curry?”

2. AT E-Survey:  Okay… Really… What is the Best URBAN Fly Fishery in America?  Can be any species… but fly is the focus…

1. Washington, D.C.

2. Denver

3. Portland, Oregon

4. Miami

5. Minneapolis

6. New York

7. Chicago

8. Other

View results and vote on… 

They should have picked Atlanta – 45 miles of world class trout waters, Chattahoochee River Runs Through It. NPS image.


Midcurrent‘s Marshall Cutchin is an author, conservationist and former Key West fly fishing guide, as well as on the Advisory Board of Native Fish Coalition.

3. When Fish Eat Birds

From northern pike to catfish, it has been proven that some species of fish do prey on birds. In this article by Matthew Miller, watch amazing footage and learn more about why and when fish target bird species. What was once the myths of anglers is now proven fact, says Miller, “Thanks to YouTube, David Attenborough, and actual research, we now know that…

4. Five Tips for Better Casts

Learning to cast well can improve your success on the water and can even make a slow day more enjoyable, writes Todd Tanner. “Learn to cast effectively. It takes a little time, and it requires a bit of effort, but it’s an investment in your angling that will literally pay dividends for the rest of your life.” Read Tanner’s top five tips to improve…

5. Fly Tying: How to Tie a Western Coachman – SEE BELOW

by Marshall Cutchin / April 7, 2019

Tim Flagler demonstrates how to tie the classic Western Coachman in this week’s featured tying video. He ties this one on a Dai-Riki #300 in size 14, but just about any dry fly or light wire nymph hook will work.


Frederick “Firpo” Marberry. Opening Day 1930 – Washington Senators’ starting pitcher. Tapply’s opening day is a remembrance of fly fishing in 1938. A commons image.

6. “Opening Day 1938”

Written by: William G. Tapply

An unexpected glimpse into the past sparks childhood memories.

[Editor’s note: When I was the editor of American Angler, I had the pleasure of working with William G. Tapply for ten years before his death in the summer of 2009. Bill’s wife, the author Vicki Stiefel, has graciously allowed me to reprint some of his columns and articles here. So, once a month, I post a piece of Bill’s outdoors wisdom or angling know-how. If you are not familiar with Bill’s work, I encourage you to check out his website and the links below.]

7. Wednesday Wake-Up Call 04.10.19

April 10, 2019

Pebble Mine Updates: Public Hearings Continue, Get Your Comments In, and More

The 90-day public comment period on the Pebble Mine Draft Environmental Statement is almost half over, which means that you should make your voice heard via email or attending a public meeting.

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