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It will be the 30th symposium . . . and I promise the best ever. Chuck can’t wait.

Did you expect what we all experienced over the last year?

If this was March, 2019, and you asked me about 2020, boy would I be wrong.

So many things have happened that changed our lives, our health, occupations, economy, relationships, bank accounts, priorities, friendships, and on and on. One bit of salvation for me has been my ability to close the door of my fly-tying room away from the bad news. I’ll bet you understand that last sentence. I hope to actually test all those new patterns in the near future. Wish you the same.

Unfortunately, my son Ben, who has done his best to conduct a full slate of Fly Fishing Shows, was forced to postpone or cancel too many. The good news is he is already working on 2022 and I look forward to hearing the plan. There is one show I still direct: the International Fly Tying Symposium in Parsippany, NJ. I want to share some news we can feel good about.

Mark your calendar with a happy smile for November 20-21, 2021

The Parsippany Hilton, 10 miles from the Mall at Short Hills and 31 miles from New York City, features the largest ballroom we have ever had. Information for tiers, exhibitors, and attendees will be available in May.


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