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Fly Tyers Weekend 2017
Saturday and Sunday
November 4th & 5th
It’s FREE!

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is probably the largest fly tying event in the Southeast United States. There will be fly tyers, who donate their time and travel expenses, here for you to watch, talk to and learn from. You do not have to be a fly tyer to enjoy and learn from these folks. They are all excellent fly fishermen as well as fly tyers. You are likely to here as many fishing stories as you are to see flies tied.

All you have to do is show up at Little River Outfitters in Townsend. The tyers will be demonstrating between 9 am and 5 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, November 4th and 5th. This event is FREE, all day both days.

We are expecting more than 40 fly tyers. Many tie trout flies. Others tie warmwater flies. There will even be a saltwater fisherman or two demonstrating.

About 45 minutes south of Knoxville, Tennessee.


Food will be available on site for purchase from the hard working ladies with Casting For Recovery. Money raised from their food sales will go to funding the life changing events they hold each year which help women who are battling or have survived breast cancer.

The 2017 Fly Tyers Weekend is FREE and better than ever!

Get all the details here . . .



Author Skip

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