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A view looking up at two fly fisherman walking a worn trail to a salt water beach in northwest

A view looking up at two fly fisherman walking a worn trail to the river. Envato image.

Marjan Fratnik is one of the European fly fishing legends, there are many. He is known for his F-Fly and don’t leave home without some

The F-Fly [Fratnikova puhovka] was developed by Slovenian Marjan Fratnik. It is a simple but deadly little fly that works in a wide range of hatches but primarily used to mimic an adult caddis struggling to get free from the water surface. The inventor always out fished his competition using the F-Fly.

Marjan Fratnik, inventor of the F-Fly. Photo from F-Fly blogspot.

The CDC wing is one of the main traits of the fly

The F-Fly can be tied to perfection by a beginner if they understand the word ‘sparse.’ But there is no escaping; it is not a beginner fly to cast because it’s all about delivery and accuracy.

The F-Fly is a big, buggy dry fly

Its proven advantages are that it draws fish from great distances because it is bigger than nearby hatches. However, if fish avoid this big bug, try smaller and sparser patterns of the F-Fly. No matter the size or coloration used, your presentation has to be accurate – historically, fish won’t spend more calories to eat fewer calories.

Bad casting is the reason why many beginners conclude that patterns like the F-Fly don’t work

It would be best to have suitable waters and your fly fishing skill-sets much better than a beginner level to benefit from this pattern. This fly is one of the few patterns in your fly box that you can say to yourself, it must be me, because the F-Fly is damn near foolproof.

Suggested as nearest to the original recipe:

Hook: #10 to #18 Dry Fly Hook [Fulling Mill FM50 25 #16].

Thread: Olive Thread [UTC 70 Denier Black]. Also Grey or beige.

Wing: Gray Cul De Canard [brown/tan] – 2 CDC hackles.

Body: Natural color Beaver Dubbing [taper].

Tim Flagler’s Recipe:

Hook: 3X-short dry-fly hook (here a Fulling Mill FM50 25), size 16.

Thread: Black, 8/0 or 70-denier.

Body: Natural Beaver fur.

Wings: Natural dun CD.

Head: Black tying thread.



Author Skip

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