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A back-room bloodless coup is well underway

Henry Clement, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, August 2023.

By Henry Clement

It is now apparent to real Conservatives and schooled Progressives, not rank-and-file Democrats or MAGA morons, that the 2025 Project is a setup for a dismantling of the United States of America and our Public Lands . . .

There is absolutely no DOGE-Trump-Musk plan to fix anything

The Heritage Foundation’s authoritarian playbook plan is to destroy our 250-year-old system of checks and balances upon which U.S. democracy has relied and give far-right politicians, judges, billionaires, and corporations control over Americans’ lives.

Public Lands might be the canary in the coal mine

Firing thousands of park rangers exposes us to what the grifter and those mentioned above are selling: saying with straight faces, “Public Lands” are blocking American greatness by not allowing “exploiting the land.” Clear-cut forests, mine without limits, and drill for oil and gas anywhere.

Types of Public Lands

‘Writer and historian Wallace Stegner called national parks “the best idea we ever had. American, absolutely democratic, they reflect us at our best rather than our worst.’

  • National Parks: Iconic areas of natural beauty and historical significance managed by the NPS. 
  • National Forests: Large areas of forested land managed by the USFS, offering recreation and resource management opportunities. 
  • National Wildlife Refuges: Areas the FWS manages to protect wildlife and their habitats. 
  • National Recreation Areas: Lands near large reservoirs or other areas offering opportunities for water-based recreation, managed by various agencies. 
  • National Monuments: Areas of scientific or historical interest managed by various agencies. 
  • National Conservation Lands: Areas designated for conservation and protection, managed by the BLM. 
  • Wild and Scenic Rivers: Rivers and their surrounding lands are preserved in their natural state and managed by various agencies. 
  • National Trails: Designated recreation and conservation trails that various agencies manage. 
  • Wilderness Areas: Areas designated for their natural and undeveloped character, managed by various agencies. 
  • National Historic Sites: Areas of historical significance managed by the NPS. 
  • National Battlefields: Sites of historical battles managed by the NPS.
The plan is to privatize—eliminate the EPA’s science, do away with environmental concerns, dismiss the reality of climate change, and unprotect the biodiversity of whole systems like Tongas National Forest in Alaska. It will disregard the concerns of native peoples, scientists, hunters, fly fishers, and all outdoor groups.

Study of a male Dolly Varden char by award-winning watercolorist Thom Glace.

Trump, Musk, and a handful of billionaires are telling our border neighbors and you and me to go ‘eff’ ourselves

Nearly 100 % of all outdoorsmen and women, and almost 90% of the general public are not on-board with Trump and his handlers.

If you and I go silently away without a fight, our grandchildren might as well burn our fly rods, melt our hunting rifles and shotguns to make gas engines, and blow up our ammo for the memory of ‘the way it was.’

Watch this video if you care about protecting Public Lands from the greediest of our kind



Author Skip

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