Omega Protein ships at the company’s plant in Reedville, VA. Photo by Pamela D’Angelo – Virginia Public Radio.
A foreign country overharvesting forage fish in violation of set limits in U. S. water goes blithely on with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW’s blessing
By Skip Clement
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith an administration openly and braggingly abandoning its environmental responsibilities, usurping its citizens rights to public lands, and selling off national treasures to the highest bidder no matter the potential long term damage to drinking water, people and their livelihoods, or the natural order of the planet is it any wonder to you that a foreign company, Omega Protein, would wittingly and blatantly – in your face disregard industry imposed harvesting limits on already over-harvested forage fish in American waters so that European pet owners’ dogs and cats get blue ribbon meals?
I don’t like the Wild West governance I am forced to live under because the sheriff is encouraging irresponsible behavior – so much so that a little piss-ant company like Omega Protein can sidle up and tell America, “Up yours” and over-harvest all the forage fish it likes.
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Pamela D’Angelo reports for Virginia Public Radio:
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