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Simon Gawesworth has a gift for understanding fly rods, fly casting, and explaining this knowledge to his students. Here he simplifies the the double haul.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n this episode of RIO‘s “How To” series, RIO brand manager Simon Gawesworth shows how easy it is to learn the double haul – a highly useful casting skill that will give you more distance, greater line control and more effect in a tough wind. The Double Haul is an essential skill to master for anyone who wants to fish in saltwater.

RIO’s “How To” videos are a series of short films that explain all you need to know to learn a particular way to fish, or cast. Where applicable, each film talks through the gear that you need, shows how to rig the gear, how to read the water, and how to fish that particular technique.

These invaluable lessons for the fly fisherman are packed with information and top tips, and each one is bought to you by a RIO employee or a RIO brand ambassador.

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