Visions like this are in the minds of many as the countdown to Newfoundland’s June 1 opening takes place. Leaping salmon in the lower Humber River – an amazing photograph by Bill Bryden – ASF.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has announced the 2019 Salmon Angling Regulations for Newfoundland and Labrador
Atlantic Salmon Federation / River Notes / May 24, 2019
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he big news this past week was the announcement by Fisheries and Oceans Canada of the regulations for salmon angling in 2019 for Newfoundland and Labrador.
These are their major points:
- A retention limit of one fish on Class 2 rivers (Tag 1 – red) and a retention limit of two fish on Class 4, Class 6 and unclassified rivers (Tags 3 and 4 – green).
- A catch and release limit of three fish per day for all rivers in Newfoundland and Labrador with the exception of Class 0 rivers. Class 0 rivers are permitted a catch and release limit of two fish per day.
- The retention of salmon on non-scheduled waters is not permitted.
- The implementation of a new multi-faceted environmental protocol, which will be available in the 2019-2020 Angler’s Guide.
- Full details on the regulations, seasons, bag limits, river classification, closed areas and special management areas will be contained in the 2019-2020 Angler’s Guide which will be available in the near future online . . .
- DFO’s management decision for salmon in Newfoundland and Labrador is available here . . .
- No surprises on the opening and closing dates for the seasons.
Of special note is that there are new protocols in place in 2019 for warm water conditions

Kenny Frost releases a 45-inch long Atlantic salmon he caught on a fly in the Skjern River on May 16, 2019. ASF
A short update is in order, as April numbers were finally posted for the English rivers the Tyne, Wear and Tees. The news is extremely good, to put it mildly. Most of the rivers have double to triple the early year returns of last year. The Tyne counting facility at Riding Mills does not differentiate between Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout. But the numbers are excellent, the best since 2011.
The Wear River that meets the sea at Durham is also doing much better than 2018, but perhaps more in line with other recent years.
The Skjern River on the west side of the Jutland peninsula appear to be having a good year so far. As of yesterday, 205 Atlantic salmon have been angled, with a release rate of 53.2%. The average length of the salmon is 92.6 cm., with 38 Atlantic salmon being more than 8 kg. or 17 lb.
For those wishing to keep up-to-date on the river . . .http://skjernaasam.dk/catch-statistics/?species=salmon
NOTE: The Skjern River is featured in the upcoming Summer issue of the Atlantic Salmon Journal
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