Matt Jone (matt.jones.photography) captured this shot of a giant bonefish with a BTT tag in it while staying at Bairs Lodge, The Bahamas. Photo courtesy of Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.
[dropcap]P[/dropcap]opulism, now the grail and in vogue for many, is not an ideology but a strategy to get to power and to govern. It’s in full bloom in the Bahamas (and elsewhere).
A populist leader needs a rising tide of resentment against foreign economic elites, claimed imperialism, or religions and even skin color to succeed. A populist must sell folks on their false mission of liberation from those in power.
For the best summary thus far on the state of The Bahamas’ populists movement and its possible negative impact on your bonefishing trip there, read Bjorn Stromsness’ insightful comments here . . .
NOTE: Featured Image photo credit EWF. Prescott Smith is both an experienced angler and articulate. Here, he demonstrates casting techniques to a crowd of German tourists. Smith, charismatic and very bright, is the perfect storm for the disgruntled. His motives barred are not in the best interests of The Bahamas but rather in his.