Tying the Redfish Seaducer by Paul Fisicaro. This fly travels well. Whether you’re in Texas, Louisiana, Everglades National Park, Boca Grande (Florida) you will catch redfish with this fly.
Tail: Four Grizzly hackles splayed outward – two on each side.
Flash: Gold or copper Krystal Flash
Body: Three grizzly hackles palmered
Head: Orange medium Ice Chenille
Thread: Orange
Thread Protection: 25-pound mono snelled
Weed Guard: Mono V
Hook: Mustad 34007
Hook Sizes: 2, 1, 1/0

Step One: Tie in two grizzly hackles on each side, splayed outwards. Add six to eight sprigs of copper or gold Krystal flash. Tip > If you are using 3/0 flat waxed, do not build up the thread too much. This will cause problems later on.

Step two: Tie in a large grizzly hackle in front of the tail section and palmer toward the eye of the hook. Tip > Make sure as you palmer the hackles, grab the feather and pull back during each turn so the quills face back towards the tail.

Step three: This is what it should look like after the first hackle has been tied in and palmered. Notice that the palmer is angled towards the back of the hook. Tip > After each palmer, tie in the hackle as close together as you possibly can.

Step four: Repeat step tow – two more times. This is what it should look like after palmering three hackles.

Step six: Snell the 25-pound mono over the remaining thread. This is too protect the thread. This step is optional. Weed guard is also optional. Tip > Snelling the thread: Make sure you cut yourself enough mono so it can be easily grabbed when pulling the snell tight.