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Red’s Fly Shop in Yakima (Ellensburg), Washington employes a lot of people. Do they pay the Trump tax? Will their customers be okay paying the fee? Some think paying the tariff will hurt both sales, employers, and employment for America’s small angler devoted businesses.

According to  AFFTA president, Ben Bulis, China Tariffs Add Excessive Burden to Fly Fishing Industry

By Ben Bulis / American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) / May 13, 2019


BOZEMAN, Montana

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n response to the Administration’s action to increase tariffs on goods from China, AFFTA president, Ben Bulis, released this statement:

“The backbone of the fly fishing industry is small- to mid-sized business. Locally-owned and employing local people. From specialty retail shops, guides and outfitters to the manufacturers who develop and produce the gear that they rely on for their livelihood, we are a significant part of our nation’s powerful and growing outdoor economy, contributing more than $1 billion annually.

This increase in tariffs, on top of the already harmful tariffs imposed over the past 10 months, will only make it more difficult and costly for our industry’s businesses and the local economies that rely on them to stay viable. The increase will further stifle innovation, force unfair and highly expensive production changes, inhibit the free market and freeze, or worse, cut employment.

Even further, this increase will saddle American consumers, including over 10 million fly anglers, with the true pass-through cost of the tariffs above-and-beyond the $69 billion they’ve already paid over the last 10 months in the form of significantly more expensive goods and services.

Read the complete story . . .

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