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Video: RIO’s tarpon fishing tips

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his episode of RIO’s “How To” films” takes you to the wonderful flats of Cuba, with RIO sales manager, Zack Dalton. In this film, “How To Fly Fish For Tarpon”, Zack offers numerous great tips for the tarpon angler, including how to prepare yourself and your line on the boat and be ready for that shot, what to look for when out tarpon fishing, and the best way to play a tarpon.

If you are going fly fishing for tarpon this film will make sure you are well prepared to maximize your time on the water.

RIO’s “How To” videos are a series of short films that explain all you need to know to learn a particular way to fish, or cast. Where applicable, each film talks through the gear that you need, shows how to rig the gear, how to read the water, and how to fish that particular technique. These educational films are packed with information and top tips designed to improve the knowledge and skill level of all fly fishers. Each one is bought to you by a RIO employee or a RIO brand ambassador.

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