By Skip Clement
[dropcap]I[/dropcap] am not an excellent fly tyer but a curious one with a penchant for short cuts and materials advantages. Both proclivities have turned me into a pretty decent tube fly tyer. Because of that, I have enjoyed a new level of on-the-water rewards for about five years.
The shortcuts part is a subject worthy of its own space and a post for another time. The material advantages of UV cured resins are today’s message which I believe have boosted the magic of my tube flies exponentially – as it would any tyer’s battle ready flies (hook tied or tube tied).
Marshall Cutchin (Midcurrent) and Orvis seem to agree, utilizing Tim Flagler’s video Using UV Cure Resins. A series Orvis calls One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Techniques.
“Each video teaching a single tying skill, from the most basic to the advanced. Ultimately, the series will serve as a sort of encyclopedia of tying skills that will be a valuable resource for anyone who sits down at a vise to create a fly.
The rise of UV-cure resins over the past few years has been a boon for fly tiers. These adhesives, which harden quickly when exposed to ultraviolet light, make creating hard shellbacks a snap, help keep materials in place, and even replace thread-wraps and whip-finishes. In this week’s video, Tim shows what’s available and how best to use these great products.” — Orvis
Here is a good use of UV resin to create a simple epoxy back on a baetis nymph. This technique can be used on an endless number of nymph patterns.