Beautiful, wish you were there photo courtesy of R.B. Meiser Fly Rods, Central Point, Oregon. Meiser Fly Rods make the best two-handed fly rods in the world.
[dropcap]U[/dropcap]nderstanding Skagit, Scandi, spey, MOW, tips, Versileaders, Polyleaders, T, S, grain weights, and all that jazz requires an academic mind to understand how it all plays into fly fishing different depths of the freshwater column, and how adding these gamechangers to your fly line aid or blindside casting.
Simon makes sense of it all, but the video requires your full attentionĀ
I’m likely not as smart as you. So, I watched it three times to finally get it, and not at all embarrassed to admit that, and I’ve been heretically short-rod single and two-handed “Skagiting” for over six years.