Land-based, closed-containment Atlantic salmon aquaculture outstrips any reason “netpens” can offer us, including preserving Atlantic salmon species purity, long term genetic health, abundance and quality of the product as a valuable food source
Presently, here are the known benefits of ‘Land-based, closed-containment’ salmon aquaculture versus marine netpen operations:
• Production of Atlantic salmon without the need for antibiotics or harsh, environmentally harmful chemicals to control disease and parasites
• Faster growth of the product – typically six months ahead of “netpen” operations
• No feces contaminating sea floor or waters. Indeed, the land-based operations “harvest” the effluent chemicals, and they are a valuable byproduct
No disease spread through miles of ocean from the concentrated populations of net-pen operations
No escapes that jeopardize wild Atlantic salmon conservation, and restoration efforts for endangered populations
• Greater flexibility in location of growout facilities. With closed-containment recirculation units, there is no need to be near a stream or river – much less the ocean.

A Humber River Jumper – at Humber Falls (photo Tom Moffatt/ASF).
The Atlantic Salmon Federation sees an exciting potential for allowing expansion of salmon aquaculture while reducing the devastating impact of the industry on wild Atlantic salmon. ASF is taking an active role in furthering the technology and sophistication of this industry. Here’s how:
• Product testing has shown the quality of salmon harvested is superb
• Several commercial ventures are beginning growout programs
• Technology proven. Now mass production is needed to drive down costs
• Health and environmental safeguards do work and are practical
• Economic profiles of commercial scale operations will soon be available via publcly supported projects such as that being built by the Namgis First Nation on Vancouver Island
• Experiments already partly completed on most effective broodstock
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