Old and worn jetty. Envato photo. A quick tip from the “Assisted Living Anglers Club” Scientific Anglers Concept Fly Line – Level Floating – L-5-F Yellow. 50-feet – $9 -eBay on 12/25/2021. For fly anglers pursuing stocked trout sized fish, overstocked sized pond bass [1- to 2-pound], and panfish like bluegill and crappie, buying a level fly line has two advantages: It’s dirt cheap. In small streams, it will fish as well as any ‘specialty’ floating fly line type – think short casts. So, a fly line of any definition, as identified by AFFTA – sized to react admirably with the fly rod you own, a level floating fly line is a good tact. Why? Because a short controllable cast is okay, and it produces a good swing of the fly. Try a new Level Fly Line [L] for about $10/$20. There are, of course, even cheaper ways to make an “L” line if you’ve got an old WF floater that matches up with your fly rod but has ‘head’ damage [first 30-feet]; just cut it off there, and voilà, a Level Line. Or, of course, turn it around, and back becomes the front. NOTE: Most fly shops personnel will pooh-pooh Level fly lines and will not stock them, for a good reason. But for short casts, mountain streams, and creeks with stocked trout or small native ‘bows,’ a $20 “L” line is perfect. Buy Level Fly Lines here . . . Mountain Stream. Envato photo. This Post Is Sponsored by…