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SOMERSET, Pennsylvania / January 13, 2021

Five of the six scheduled 2021 Fly Fishing Shows have either been postponed or cancelled, with the event in Lancaster, Penn., still on track for their original date, announced Ben Furimsky, president and CEO of the annual events.

Chuck Furimsky hard at work. Image Rainy’s.

The updated Fly Fishing Show schedule:

  • Marlborough, Mass. – Postponed until 2022;
  • Edison, NJ – Postponed until 2022;
  • Atlanta, GA – Postponed until 2022;
  • Pleasanton, Calif. – The original Feb. 19, 20, 21 dates have been canceled with the potential availability of sometime in April;
  • Lancaster, Penn. – March 6 and 7; and
  • Denver, Colo. – Rescheduled for April 30-March 1-2.

“Reluctantly, and with a heavy heart, we were forced to cancel, postpone or reschedule everything due to the impact and continuing threat of COVID-19,” he said.  Furimsky offered a bit of hope for an alternative later date at Pleasanton in the San Francisco Bay area – perhaps mid-April – if state and county health authorities allow larger gatherings.

Furimsky cited government and facility-imposed restrictions on classroom-style seating for seminars, Destination and Adventure Theater presentations, exhibitor booths, food service and demonstration areas, governmental mandates and attendance restrictions together with the continued inability or reluctance of many out-of-state and overseas exhibitors to travel as the reasons for the cancellations.

“Changes in the Fly Fishing Show schedule due to the coronavirus have impacted the lives and businesses of hundreds of exhibitors including guide services, manufacturers, specialized travel booking agencies, artists and retailers plus hundreds of personalities, seminar leaders, fly tiers and other experts with scheduled presentations at each show. The Fly Fishing Shows are some one of the most highly anticipated gatherings annually; they are when our community can see what’s new, test products, make purchases, book travel, renew friendships and reignite the fire that drives us all to carry on the traditions of fly fishing,” lamented Furimsky.

Stayed tuned for further updates

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