Native Fish Coalition at the 2020 fly fishing show in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Getting the Native Fish Message Out…
By Bob Mallard / National Vice Chair / February 2020
The Message
Late fall brings the end of fishing season and the beginning of presentation season. During this time, late fall to early spring, NFC seizes every opportunity we can to get the “native fish” message out there.
From TU chapters, to rod and gun clubs, to fishing groups, to conservation organizations, to retail stores, NFC leaves no stone unturned in regard to reaching out to the masses to educate and inform them on the subject of native fish. We focus on biology, history, conservation, the threats to native fish, and what we can do to preserve and restore them where possible.
NFC just wrapped up a 12-day tour where we attended two 3-day fly fishing shows in Marlborough,Massachusetts and Edison, New Jersey, and spoke to three TU chapters in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. In addition to manning our booth for six full days, we did eleven presentations in eleven days. We presented on Maine’s State Heritage Fish Waters, brook trout, and Maine’s rare Arctic charr.