[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n South Florida, fishing in Everglades National Park (ENP) or the Everglades’ canal system can be torture in the summer – mid-May to mid-September. When the wind dies to nada, or it’s pre-dawn or post sundown – swarms of mosquitoes so thick that they’re in your ears, nose and anywhere they can find skin. And by the way, it’s only the lady mosquitoes that bite. The other day, I came across what I thought to be the best mosquito bite cream for toddlers, and I used that on little George. It works okay.
On my last outing to ENP, I brought along my newly purchased ThermaCELL “appliance” for a test drive. My friend who owns a flats boat usually gets punished pretty good at Flamingo while launching the boat from the trailer pre-dawn. I get punished while holding the vessel at the dock while my buddy parks the trailer and hustles back down to the dock. This time, no mosquitoes made land fall on me, well, just a few when I was getting gear organized and put the ThermaCell down on the grass. And we didn’t have to worry about going too fast to get into Florida Bay and leave the “skeeters” behind. They were nowhere near us once we were both situated in the boat and taking off.

From Left to right – two on left are called appliances. The images in back, left to right are lantern versions and the three images in the foreground are, left to right, small belt hooked version, repellent-mats and butane bottle.
Here’s how it works
Within minutes after turning on the Lantern or Appliance, the repellent creates a 15- by 15-foot – 225 square-foot area, about the size of an patio deck, flats boat or campsite. All ThermaCELL Mosquito Repellent products use the same refills, which contain both repellent mats and butane cartridges.
The Repellent has an odorless cell of protection that was tested to be 93 percent effective against mosquitoes and black flies. It operates on a single butane cartridge, which heats a repellent mat releasing allethrin – a synthetic copy of the natural repellent found in chrysanthemum flowers. Lasts four hours per mat or 12 hours per refill kit.
Butane Cartridges – $7.50 each
Repellent Mats – $ 7.50 for three
Appliances – $27 to $32 each (different scents)
Lanterns – $23 to $32 (three styles)
Website: […]
The Schawbel Corporation
ThermaCELL Brands
26 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730
For customer service: customerservice@thermacell.ne
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