Ben Bulis – AFFTA photo.
Ben Bulis stepping down as AFFTA President
BOZEMAN, MT – It’s with the sincerest gratitude for his years of service that the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) announces the resignation of Ben Bulis, AFFTA’s President.
Bulis joined AFFTA in April of 2012 as an Interim GM and quickly moved into the President role, where over the last 8 years he’s been a key figure in growing AFFTA into a larger trade association with a strong voice in trade and conservation issues. His incredible passion for the industry of fly fishing and the fly fishing community has resulted in effective programs, from successful annual trade shows to connections with state and federal legislators in pursuit of trade and conservation policies that are important to AFFTA membership.
“I’m sure I’m joined by all prior AFFTA Chairmen and Chairwomen, Board Directors past and present, and our greater membership in thanking Ben for his efforts on behalf of AFFTA and the fly fishing community,” said Jim Bartschi, AFFTA Board Chair. “Ben has been a great leader of our association and leaves AFFTA in a far better place than when he joined us in 2012. His passion for our industry and our members will be missed. I’m sure we’ll have a chance to continue our relationship with Ben in the places we hold most dear, on the water.”

In Denver at the MART. The Fly Fishing Show 2019? Photo Jason Klass.
Closing of Denver Mart Ends 2021 Fly Fishing Shows
The Fly Fishing Show Management Stunned At Sudden Turn of Events
SOMERSET, Penn. – The sudden closure of the Denver Mart – home of the Denver Fly Fishing Show for 19 years – ended plans for the 2021 edition, scheduled for April 30-May 2, announced show president and CEO Ben Furimsky.
“The news came like a bolt out of the blue after all we’ve been through canceling, modifying and rescheduling our nationwide Fly Fishing Show events due to Covid-19 concerns. It’s been a nightmare compounded by a train wreck for the show, the fly fishing industry and the communities we serve,” said Furimsky.
Everglades Foundation Launches Climate Change Site
The reasons for restoring the Everglades are myriad and will clearly benefit the health and well-being of fish, wildlife, and humans in the region. But as a new section of the Everglades Foundation website makes clear, there’s another important reason for restoring the flow of fresh water through the Everglades: to help slow climate change. The Everglades & Climate Change explains five ways in which restoration efforts will mitigate the effects of climate change:
- Supporting Our Economy
- Protecting Carbon Sequestration
- Safeguarding Drinking Water
- Providing Storm-Surge Resilience
- Aiding Species and Habitats in Adapting to Climate Change
It’s fascinating stuff – watch the video following the link below.
Alaska Business Owners Call on Governor to STOP Supporting Pebble Mine
As we’ve written about in recent weeks, Alaska Governor Steve Dunleavy just can’t quit Pebble Mine, apparently. Despite the fact that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied Pebble’s permit back in November, Dunleavy continues to push the Corps to re-evaluate its decision and change its course. Now 40 business owners in the state–including several Orvis-endorsed lodges–have sent the governor a letter asking him to stop trying to overturn a decision that was based on thousands of pages of studies and thousands of hours of testimony.
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