Tight quarters taper.
I’m glad I don’t need to keep butchering old lines or practice contortionism to make those up-close and personal casts to spooky, wild Appalachian Mountain or Adirondack trout. A new RIO line adds measurably to easing of presentation issues with their Creek Line.
I know plus $80 is a hit, but significantly improving my line management and presentations in difficult terrain are worth it, especially on difficult weather days. — Skip Clement
IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO (February 1, 2019)
[dropcap]R[/dropcap]IO, manufacturer of fly lines, leaders, tippets, accessories and more for anglers the world over, delivers a line created specifically for small creeks, streams and brooks with its new Creek Line.
The Creek Line loads a rod at particularly close range to allow anglers to make ultra-short casts of about 10-15 feet with ease. It is ideal for dry flies, nymphs, and small streamers, and has enough body and head length for occasions where a longer cast is needed.
Each line is built with a supple, coldwater core resulting in tangle-free performance in weights ranging from WF0F through WF4F in a green and yellow color. It also features RIO’s MaxFloat Tip to ensure the tip does not sink, and front and back welded loops make for easy, fast rigging. Find one at your nearest RIO dealer for $79.99
Watch the video – it’s in the details